Sunday, September 15, 2013

Good-bye Oregon.......... We will miss you......

Can you believe it, summer is almost over, which means that our time back at home is over.  We caught our plane back to New York on the 8th, and we are now back on the road.  Before we left we were invited to the Oregon State Beavers football game against Hawaii.

Great game, beautiful weather and we "WON".  A perfect day.

Our first stop was Niagara Falls, where we met up with our RVing Friends, from Grants Pass, Jeff and Sheryl. We first met Jeff and Sheryl in Palm Springs, the winter of 2011.  It has taken us this long for our paths to cross again.  It was so cool to spend a couple of days visiting, and telling each other all of our travel stories. We will probably see them again soon, since they are traveling up to Maine, and down the East Coast, as we are.

Niagara Falls is absolutely CRAZY awesome.  To see that much water going over all of those falls, for how many years now?????  Totally Amazing.....

We have so many pictures of the falls, and we don't want to bore you with all of them, so here are just a few.

We participated in the Blue Man Group Experience
Actually this was the Maid of the Mist boat, that takes you right up to the falls.
The blue plastic shields really did help to keep your clothes dry, but the rest of you gets soaked.
Very Cool Boat Ride.

On the Canadian side of the falls, we found this unique tram that takes you out over the Niagara River, down river from the falls. The Niagara River above the falls is 3 1/2 miles across at its widest point, and the rivers width at this trams point is 300 feet.  The water is traveling about 35 miles an hour, and the rapids that are created are class 6, with waves as high as 15 feet.

Rafting Anyone...?????

We packed up on Friday morning, said good-bye to Jeff and Sheryl, and pointed the rig to the East.  We made it as far as Alexandria Bay, NY, found our new RV Park, unhooked the wheelhouse and set up everything, then sat down just in time to watch the Oregon Ducks kick some serious booty on the Tennessee Volunteers.  "Go Ducks".

Today we drove up the road to check out Alexandria Bay.  This whole area is called  "1000 Islands", and we found out why.  We took a tour boat out from the Bay at Alexandria and learned that there are a little over 1800 islands.  And let us tell you, there is some serious money in this area.  We couldn't even start to imagine what your own island and house would set you back.

Keep in mind that each one of these homes occupies a single island....

And above are different views of Boldt Castle.

We only saw a handful of the islands, and we can only imagine what has been built on the others.
But we did notice a few for sale if anyone is interested.

Yes, Alexandria Bay and the 1000 Islands is a very beautiful area of upstate New York.  We are happy that we took the time to see what others have told us about.  If you ever get up this way you should take a look.

Tomorrow we are hooking up and heading East to Vermont, then through New Hampshire, and ending up in Maine.  We hope to be eating Lobster in Bay Harbor by next weekend.
Yummmmm......Lobster......Can't wait

So, as usual, Thank You All for looking in on us.
Until Next Time,

Steve and Roberta

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