Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bar Harbor Maine

We think we have arrived at the Northern most point of our Maine adventure, Bar Harbor.  This area is very beautiful, as so many have told us, but Oregon and Washington are just as beautiful, if not more.  This entire portion of Maine reminds us of the Puget Sound area.

We must admit though, Maine does have Lobster, like it is EVERYWHERE.

Our friends, Jeff and Sheryl  hooked back up with us here, so we were able to enjoy each others company for a couple more days. We seem to always have so much fun when we get together with them.  We decided to stop at the old Lobster shack, along side of the highway, and get some Lobster for an evening dinner.
We found out that if we purchase 4 lobsters, the owner would cook them up for us, for free.  Why not, we just wanted to get home and pig out, so if we don't have to cook, "BONUS".

I think Jeff and I had one to many pre-dinner cocktails.  Don't even ask about the weird Miley Cyrus Tongue thing going on.  Both of us have no idea where that came from.  The lobster was heavenly, but having lobster 3 times in 4 days is a bit much.  If it was always this available, for so cheap, it would take all the fun out of it.

We headed out, on a day trip, yesterday to see if we could get lost.  We managed to not to get lost, (thanks to our Garmin, and Roberta's awesome map skills) but did find a few small fishing/lobstering ports and some more beautiful scenery.

Walking through a portion of Acadia National Park, Roberta noticed some very peculiar looking pine trees.
You can add your own caption.  Just weird looking.

OMG, Even the Neighborhood Watch signs have a lobster on them.

So, our time up in Northern Maine is drawing to an end.  The weather is beginning to get cool, and we still have a lot to see before old man winter shows up.  We are now making our way down South a bit, to the Boston area, for about a week.  We plan to stay out of town, at a State Park, where we can catch a subway, ferry or train, into town just a few miles down the road.  We are hoping to just use mass transit to get around Boston.  We'll let you know how this works out for us.

Until our next post, Thanks for Looking at Us.  Hopefully we can find some warmer weather.
Roberta and Steve

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